Now that I don't have to go to school for the summer, I have a lot of time to write in here. Even though I still have to go to work almost seven days out of the week. Today I didn't have to work and slept until two pm. I have totally screwed up my sleep schedule staying up until four five am reading fanfictions. Which is one of my current obsessions. I go through these phases where I obsesses over something, let be food, clothing, music, anything until I get sick of it or run out of time. Now it is reading Inu Yasha fanfictions. We'll see how long that lasts. It is like I just can't be in life I have to get myself involved in something, usually school and work but I always find something to immerse myself whether it is beneficial or not.
I am dreading waking up at eight tomorrow. I have to get to work by nine. I am really hoping I get to sleep before, at least two.

Seeing how I should talk about fashion for the titles sake: I wanted to say something about my favorite fashion site on the net,, Japanese Street Fashion Site. How I want to live there! Maybe some of that style can rub off on me. Does it come naturally or do they spend hours thinking of pieces to put together. I wish everyone cared about how they dress here, maybe it would've been easier for one (me) to express them selves freely without feeling self conscious. Most everyone here sports the usual t-shirt and jeans, and if someone dares to put a little effort to step out of the ordinary, questions like why are you "dressed-up" arise. I am not "dressed-up" this is my everyday gear people!! Maybe if everyone looked like our Japanese friends fashion would be so much interesting.
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