That is it!! I can’t stand the heat any longer! I feel like I’m melting… sweaty and sticky… I miss winter. I miss wearing coats and boots… oh my high heel boots, how I miss them… And It is going to be 100 + degrees for the coming days…
Recently my urge to draw seems to have returned. The outcome depends on the current mood I’m in. From each drawing I can remember how I felt at that moment. I wish I can find some kind of a profession that involves Art. But I know myself enough to know that as soon as I’m ‘ordered’ to do something, I get turned off. Something I learned during Art classes in high school. I really don’t know why. The more I get told to do something the harder I resist. Anyways, drawing, I started drawing Anime back when I was a freshman in high school after watching my first Anime, Sailor Moon. I still have the first drawing I have ever made. After that I moved to drawing portraits. I love drawing people, especially faces. But I can only draw women, I don’t know why, maybe because I started with Sailor Moon and most of the characters are female. Currently I’m obsessed with drawing more of Fashion Illustration type of drawings, to tie in my two passions… fashion & drawing.
I was registering for the fall semester thinking that I’m way early, hoping to find the classes I wanted, but no! Most of the teachers I wanted were full. I am just going to wait for an opening, I have a month. I’m getting closer to graduating, after that I can be an Accountant! Ha! I can’t even imagine it. Next semester is going to be difficult. I’m going to take two types of Accounting and three types of management classes. How fun! On top of that my grades have slipped after the previous semester and I have to keep up. I really don’t want to drop from the dean’s list and have to deal with my mother.
interweb, has been messing on me, anyways if my other comment did go up then good, but here it is just in case, hate for you to think that I'd mean to give you a bad address