Even though I have had almost two weeks of no-school, I don’t want to go back! School starts on Thursday and I am just not ready… besides I hate my new schedule for the semester. This one class was available at eight in the morning or five in the afternoon. I am not looking forward to facing winter roads in the morning. Oh totally forgot! My grades… four B+ and an A! I was so happy the last couple of days… best Christmas present ever… from myself. I worked really hard and it paid off. And now I have to do it all over again next semester…yey
Next week I’m taking four days off just before school starts and give myself a little break from work. I can’t wait to get away from work people for a couple of days. I can’t stand them but I can’t help but be nice to people. I’ll do anything to avoid a confrontation… I have issues.
I am planning to get a haircut and go shopping for some items. I have finally convinced myself to cut my hair short… a bob to be exact. I have had long hair my whole life mainly because of my mother’s influence but I want to experiment and see what I look like with a short hair.
I really need to sleep, work in five hours.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I am absolutely exhausted! The last week before finals and I am trying to get all the final assignments in before Thursday. I am barely getting enough sleep (which I should be doing right now) and get to eat maybe twice a day. I am very nervous for all four finals next week! I have to do well this semester if I want to stay on D list. My mother would just freak out if I drop out of that. I can't wait until grades come out.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I have a year left until graduation. I need some experience in the accounting field before I graduate so that someone will hire me. I need an internship or some kind of bookkeeping job. I hate the whole process of looking for a job, interviewing, and résumés... I just want to fast forward to the good part. I am planning to tell my boss that I am going to start looking for another job. I feel so nervous because I hate confrontational situations but I am going to have to do it sooner or later. I don't want to be one of those people who graduate and sit around without a job. The next two years are going to be very important for my future. I know I will graduate but I am totally terrified about what will happen after graduation.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I have been on a diet since Monday now... I can't eat breakfast because I just don't have time. I would rather sleep than make time for breakfast. So I usually end up eating once or twice a day. I don't eat fatty things... but I love potatoes, bread, and pasta... I am a vegetarian... and I don't have time to eat healthy all the time. I gained 40 pounds in ten years. I just want to be happy with my body. It isn't fair how I love fashion but I can't wear things I like. There is no way that I would wear anything sleeveless. I see other girls my size wear things like that but I don't feel comfortable in it. I want to make peace with my body or do something about it...issues...
Monday, November 27, 2006
Well, I just didn't feel like writing anything... I took three days off work for the holiday. It was a much-needed break, doing absolutely nothing except for the occasional shopping trip. Now I have to go back to school tomorrow. I planned to catch up on school stuff but didn't even open my notebook through out the holiday break. I new that would happen, just trying to fool myself.
I am obsessed with Benassi Bros! Just bought the CD even though it came out a year ago. Favorite song Castaway and Rocket in the sky
I am obsessed with Benassi Bros! Just bought the CD even though it came out a year ago. Favorite song Castaway and Rocket in the sky
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The T word
I got a 50 on my first tax exam... so embarrassing. But I really didn't study that much for it, I though I felt confident until I looked at the questions. The teacher said we are not going to do well on the first exam, and we well get a hundred towards the end of the semester. I am hoping that is true in my case. I was even thinking about working in the tax field, maybe the IRS, but now I am not so sure. The thing I hate about the subject is that there isn't one right answer for a problem. It just depends on how well you can argue a point of view, and be convincing. I just wanted to vent my frustrations with this class.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Summer Blues
I am trying very hard to get back into school mode. I love that I don’t have to get up in the morning, my earliest class is at ten! I am okay with my classes except for Individual Income Tax, the first thing that comes out of the teacher was “this might be the hardest class you have ever had…” thanks for the encouragement! Like the subject of tax needs any more bad rap. I just read a chapter from the book and I couldn’t understand half of it! I don’t know how I will do in this class. My favorite class so far is career management, I am suppose to take the Color Code personality test. I took the test a while ago using the book but this time it is going to be the on the web. I love personality test, yet to find one where I can’t answer the questions to get the result I want. I’ll see how this one is.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The Accountant
I am exhausted! I have been working for two weeks straight with only a day of break. I like what I do but I feel like I am going to breakdown one of these days. And I’m starting school a week from Wednesday. I won’t have to get up at seven every day but I get an hour between school and work, hopefully I won’t hate myself for that schedule. I am going to take four days off next week… that will probably freak out the boss but I never ask for any days off.
I’m feeling very nervous about the courses I’m taking, Managerial Accounting, Individual Tax Income, Microeconomics, Marketing, and Career Building. Which is suppose to help me prepare for the career world. I graduate in a year and I have to start acting like a grown-up and ask people if I can look after their money as an Accountant, Ha! I can’t imagine it! Recently one of my work friends changed her major and didn’t want to become a teacher. I have been set in the Accounting road since high school and have never wavered from that. My family would just go crazy if I decide to change my major, not that I want to… I don’t even have another one in mind, it is just that I am not sure if this is for me. I think it is too late though… I really don’t have the time or the money to major hop. I envy those with the opportunity. I’ll just have to see what happens after graduation. And my mother wants me to get a masters degree, it better be in something I want if I am going for that…I don’t know what to do with myself…
I’m feeling very nervous about the courses I’m taking, Managerial Accounting, Individual Tax Income, Microeconomics, Marketing, and Career Building. Which is suppose to help me prepare for the career world. I graduate in a year and I have to start acting like a grown-up and ask people if I can look after their money as an Accountant, Ha! I can’t imagine it! Recently one of my work friends changed her major and didn’t want to become a teacher. I have been set in the Accounting road since high school and have never wavered from that. My family would just go crazy if I decide to change my major, not that I want to… I don’t even have another one in mind, it is just that I am not sure if this is for me. I think it is too late though… I really don’t have the time or the money to major hop. I envy those with the opportunity. I’ll just have to see what happens after graduation. And my mother wants me to get a masters degree, it better be in something I want if I am going for that…I don’t know what to do with myself…
Friday, August 11, 2006
Yey! I am going shopping tomorrow! I finally saved enough money. I have already straightened my hair and cut and color will be in a week. The whole thing will cost me 115 dollars… can’t believe I’m spending that much on my hair, but I work hard and I want to get what I want. My wardrobe needs to be updated, I have so many things I want for the fall: I want a big, huge bag, since I don’t like carrying backpacks for school, new jeans, sunglasses, platform shoes… never tried leggings but I’m going to give it a shot.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
My Song
I'm so loving this song!!
Satellites by September
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
Well, they said it was time for changing
Rise and shine
Everybody's making it, but you
And they told you to trust your dreaming
But it's hard to believe a feeling
That you just don't know
You can try and walk on water
In the end everybody
Walks all over you
No, you don't like the sight of mirrors
Cause you're scared that the face
Will see, will look just like before
All I want is you
Let me take you back
Where you once belong
All I want is you
It will be alright if you come along
You were never gone
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
Download it here, http://www.zshare.net/download/september-satellites-us-mix-mp3.html
Satellites by September
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
Well, they said it was time for changing
Rise and shine
Everybody's making it, but you
And they told you to trust your dreaming
But it's hard to believe a feeling
That you just don't know
You can try and walk on water
In the end everybody
Walks all over you
No, you don't like the sight of mirrors
Cause you're scared that the face
Will see, will look just like before
All I want is you
Let me take you back
Where you once belong
All I want is you
It will be alright if you come along
You were never gone
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites
Download it here, http://www.zshare.net/download/september-satellites-us-mix-mp3.html
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Last Seat!
I am so happy right now! Finally! Someone dropped the class I wanted and I took the last seat! I feel so relived. I hate having to beg the teachers to add me in their class every new semester. Now I have all the teachers I wanted!
Yesterday, I left work early to get my hair straightened. The dresser was about to start when a huge storm hit and we lost electricity in the entire mall! We were all sitting there in the dark waiting to see what would happen next. Luckily, the electricity came back on, and I had to go back to finish my appointment. I am going back there for a cut and color, a day before school starts. I am so excited to see the final result.
I have been excited to go back to school, but recently all the memories of late night homework, and exam stress came rushing back. I am scared now. I am going to miss my lazy, sleeping late, doing whatever, summer days. I have two weeks left.
Yesterday, I left work early to get my hair straightened. The dresser was about to start when a huge storm hit and we lost electricity in the entire mall! We were all sitting there in the dark waiting to see what would happen next. Luckily, the electricity came back on, and I had to go back to finish my appointment. I am going back there for a cut and color, a day before school starts. I am so excited to see the final result.
I have been excited to go back to school, but recently all the memories of late night homework, and exam stress came rushing back. I am scared now. I am going to miss my lazy, sleeping late, doing whatever, summer days. I have two weeks left.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Heat, Passion, and Education
That is it!! I can’t stand the heat any longer! I feel like I’m melting… sweaty and sticky… I miss winter. I miss wearing coats and boots… oh my high heel boots, how I miss them… And It is going to be 100 + degrees for the coming days…
Recently my urge to draw seems to have returned. The outcome depends on the current mood I’m in. From each drawing I can remember how I felt at that moment. I wish I can find some kind of a profession that involves Art. But I know myself enough to know that as soon as I’m ‘ordered’ to do something, I get turned off. Something I learned during Art classes in high school. I really don’t know why. The more I get told to do something the harder I resist. Anyways, drawing, I started drawing Anime back when I was a freshman in high school after watching my first Anime, Sailor Moon. I still have the first drawing I have ever made. After that I moved to drawing portraits. I love drawing people, especially faces. But I can only draw women, I don’t know why, maybe because I started with Sailor Moon and most of the characters are female. Currently I’m obsessed with drawing more of Fashion Illustration type of drawings, to tie in my two passions… fashion & drawing.
I was registering for the fall semester thinking that I’m way early, hoping to find the classes I wanted, but no! Most of the teachers I wanted were full. I am just going to wait for an opening, I have a month. I’m getting closer to graduating, after that I can be an Accountant! Ha! I can’t even imagine it. Next semester is going to be difficult. I’m going to take two types of Accounting and three types of management classes. How fun! On top of that my grades have slipped after the previous semester and I have to keep up. I really don’t want to drop from the dean’s list and have to deal with my mother.
Recently my urge to draw seems to have returned. The outcome depends on the current mood I’m in. From each drawing I can remember how I felt at that moment. I wish I can find some kind of a profession that involves Art. But I know myself enough to know that as soon as I’m ‘ordered’ to do something, I get turned off. Something I learned during Art classes in high school. I really don’t know why. The more I get told to do something the harder I resist. Anyways, drawing, I started drawing Anime back when I was a freshman in high school after watching my first Anime, Sailor Moon. I still have the first drawing I have ever made. After that I moved to drawing portraits. I love drawing people, especially faces. But I can only draw women, I don’t know why, maybe because I started with Sailor Moon and most of the characters are female. Currently I’m obsessed with drawing more of Fashion Illustration type of drawings, to tie in my two passions… fashion & drawing.
I was registering for the fall semester thinking that I’m way early, hoping to find the classes I wanted, but no! Most of the teachers I wanted were full. I am just going to wait for an opening, I have a month. I’m getting closer to graduating, after that I can be an Accountant! Ha! I can’t even imagine it. Next semester is going to be difficult. I’m going to take two types of Accounting and three types of management classes. How fun! On top of that my grades have slipped after the previous semester and I have to keep up. I really don’t want to drop from the dean’s list and have to deal with my mother.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Love in reality and other rants
Well so much for the meeting… I didn’t get to go because my mother had a crisis and I had to help her and I moved the appointment to another day.
The one person I love unconditionally in this world is my mother. I really don’t think I could go on without her. She is the reason I do anything. My main goal in life is to make my mother happy. There are some days where we get into these fights where both of us (mostly her, I tend to shutdown and keep my anger inside… another issue for another day) say hurtful things to each other, but I have promised myself that no matter what I’ll never turn my back on my mother.
I think the purest form of love is between a parent and a child. I don’t know if other types of love truly exist in reality. Only in fantasies and fairytales. I would like to see someone prove me wrong. Anyways enough with the deep thoughts… lol.
Dear work friends: omg… please stop telling me endless, mundane, tales about this guy and that guy! I am sick of pretending to care about what you have to say, seriously, stop it! There. I said it. I feel better.
Onto other rants.
Yesterday, I took work off and my schedule was messed up so I really didn’t have anything to do. As a result I started messing around on my cell phone and one thing led to another… I ended up buying 20 dollars worth of ringers and screensavers! I am dreading the arrival of the next bill… I couldn’t help it, it felt so good!
It is official. I am an insomniac. I can’t sleep before three am. The hours between 1 and 4, is my internet time. That is when I catch up on emails, groups, blog, and fan fictions. I can’t sleep if I don’t do these things first. I rarely use the computer during the day time, unless it is for school stuff.
My song of the moment, Somnambulist (I had to look up this word) by my all time favorite artist BT.
So little time, so little time
I'm so frustrated
Some little joy, so little joy
It's complicated
So little time, so little time
To work it on out
So little joy, so little joy
It's complicated
I feel I'm stumbling in the dark
I feel my heart seeking the sparks
I'm praying for love
Praying for love
Some little time, so little time
When your heart's been faded
So little hope, so little hope
I'm praying for love
Is more than enough
Simply being loved loved
Is more than enough
So little time, so little time
Be acclimated
So little hope, so little hope
And I'm prayin' now with love
So little time the pace has changed
But I'm still waiting
A thousand years of timeless days
I'm stumbling wounded in the dark
But I'm praying still for love
Love love
Prayin for Love
Simply being loved loved
Is more than enough
The one person I love unconditionally in this world is my mother. I really don’t think I could go on without her. She is the reason I do anything. My main goal in life is to make my mother happy. There are some days where we get into these fights where both of us (mostly her, I tend to shutdown and keep my anger inside… another issue for another day) say hurtful things to each other, but I have promised myself that no matter what I’ll never turn my back on my mother.
I think the purest form of love is between a parent and a child. I don’t know if other types of love truly exist in reality. Only in fantasies and fairytales. I would like to see someone prove me wrong. Anyways enough with the deep thoughts… lol.
Dear work friends: omg… please stop telling me endless, mundane, tales about this guy and that guy! I am sick of pretending to care about what you have to say, seriously, stop it! There. I said it. I feel better.
Onto other rants.
Yesterday, I took work off and my schedule was messed up so I really didn’t have anything to do. As a result I started messing around on my cell phone and one thing led to another… I ended up buying 20 dollars worth of ringers and screensavers! I am dreading the arrival of the next bill… I couldn’t help it, it felt so good!
It is official. I am an insomniac. I can’t sleep before three am. The hours between 1 and 4, is my internet time. That is when I catch up on emails, groups, blog, and fan fictions. I can’t sleep if I don’t do these things first. I rarely use the computer during the day time, unless it is for school stuff.
My song of the moment, Somnambulist (I had to look up this word) by my all time favorite artist BT.
So little time, so little time
I'm so frustrated
Some little joy, so little joy
It's complicated
So little time, so little time
To work it on out
So little joy, so little joy
It's complicated
I feel I'm stumbling in the dark
I feel my heart seeking the sparks
I'm praying for love
Praying for love
Some little time, so little time
When your heart's been faded
So little hope, so little hope
I'm praying for love
Is more than enough
Simply being loved loved
Is more than enough
So little time, so little time
Be acclimated
So little hope, so little hope
And I'm prayin' now with love
So little time the pace has changed
But I'm still waiting
A thousand years of timeless days
I'm stumbling wounded in the dark
But I'm praying still for love
Love love
Prayin for Love
Simply being loved loved
Is more than enough
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Getting Closer
I am definitely a night owl. It is two o’clock and I can’t go to sleep. I took tomorrow off from work and I’m going to talk to my counselor about what classes I should take, since I’m getting closer to graduation. I have planed out my schedule for the year and I needed a little advice. But the last time I went to talk to an “advisor” which was about a year ago, all I got was a cold woman who didn’t seem to care about me. All I wanted was for someone to show some enthusiasm for their job, give some advice and encouragement. I am going to see a different person this time and we’ll see how it turns out.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
One of those moments
I am having one of those days... Well actually late afternoons, I was feeling fine before... One of those afternoons that just makes me wonder if I am every going to make it in life, whatever that might be. Will I ever graduate college, get a career, a house, a life? It just seems like an eternity right now. I can't wait to see that day when I can truly feel the sense of accomplishment.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Girly Needs

I have been thinking about getting a hair cut for a while now but never had the courage to go through it. My mother being the main reason with her unnatural need to keep my hair long. I have found thee hairstyle of my dreams at ukhairdressers.com! I am going to wait until August. My hair is currently in rehab from its traumatizing experience of at home "Relaxers". Everyone wants what he or she can't have.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Current Obsession
Now that I don't have to go to school for the summer, I have a lot of time to write in here. Even though I still have to go to work almost seven days out of the week. Today I didn't have to work and slept until two pm. I have totally screwed up my sleep schedule staying up until four five am reading fanfictions. Which is one of my current obsessions. I go through these phases where I obsesses over something, let be food, clothing, music, anything until I get sick of it or run out of time. Now it is reading Inu Yasha fanfictions. We'll see how long that lasts. It is like I just can't be in life I have to get myself involved in something, usually school and work but I always find something to immerse myself whether it is beneficial or not.
I am dreading waking up at eight tomorrow. I have to get to work by nine. I am really hoping I get to sleep before, at least two.
Seeing how I should talk about fashion for the titles sake: I wanted to say something about my favorite fashion site on the net, style-arena.jp, Japanese Street Fashion Site. How I want to live there! Maybe some of that style can rub off on me. Does it come naturally or do they spend hours thinking of pieces to put together. I wish everyone cared about how they dress here, maybe it would've been easier for one (me) to express them selves freely without feeling self conscious. Most everyone here sports the usual t-shirt and jeans, and if someone dares to put a little effort to step out of the ordinary, questions like why are you "dressed-up" arise. I am not "dressed-up" this is my everyday gear people!! Maybe if everyone looked like our Japanese friends fashion would be so much interesting.
I am dreading waking up at eight tomorrow. I have to get to work by nine. I am really hoping I get to sleep before, at least two.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Work rant!
I don't have to go to work tomorrow! I just need to blow off some steam about work. Dear people I work with: would it kill you to be a little more courteous? I try not to let little things get to me but it is not so easy. I keep telling myself that, this is just a stupid job I have to get through until I graduate from college. But sometimes I just want to get caught up in trivial matters, instead of letting things go and looking at the big picture. I would look for another job but I hate the hassle that comes with it. Just a year or two and I can get my life going.
Here is my lyric for the day-- from Cowboy Bebop, Rain
I don't feel a thingand I stopped remembering
The days are just like moments turned to hours
Mother Used to say
if you want, you'll find a way
Bet mother never danced through fire shower
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Is it right or is it wrong
and is it here that I belong
I don't hear a sound
Silent faces in the ground
The quiet screams, but I refuse to listen
If there is a hell
I'm sure this is how it smells
Wish this were a dream, but no, it isn't
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Am I right or am I wrong
and is it here that I belong
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Why do I feel so alone
For some reason I think of home
Here is my lyric for the day-- from Cowboy Bebop, Rain
I don't feel a thingand I stopped remembering
The days are just like moments turned to hours
Mother Used to say
if you want, you'll find a way
Bet mother never danced through fire shower
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Is it right or is it wrong
and is it here that I belong
I don't hear a sound
Silent faces in the ground
The quiet screams, but I refuse to listen
If there is a hell
I'm sure this is how it smells
Wish this were a dream, but no, it isn't
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Am I right or am I wrong
and is it here that I belong
Walk in the rain, in the rain, in the rain
I walk in the rain, in the rain
Why do I feel so alone
For some reason I think of home
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tonight And The Rest Of My Life
Down to the earth I fell
With dripping wings
Heavy things won't fly
And the sky might catch on fire
And burn the axis of the world
That's why I prefer a sunless sky
To the glittering and stinging in my eyes
I feel so light
This is all I want to feel tonight
I feel so light
Tonight and the rest of my life
Gleaming in the dark sea
I'm as light as air
Floating there breathlessly
When the dream dissolves
I open up my eyes
I realize that
Everything is shoreless sea
A weightlessness is passing over me
Everything is waves and stars
The universe is resting in my arms
Nina Gordon
With dripping wings
Heavy things won't fly
And the sky might catch on fire
And burn the axis of the world
That's why I prefer a sunless sky
To the glittering and stinging in my eyes
I feel so light
This is all I want to feel tonight
I feel so light
Tonight and the rest of my life
Gleaming in the dark sea
I'm as light as air
Floating there breathlessly
When the dream dissolves
I open up my eyes
I realize that
Everything is shoreless sea
A weightlessness is passing over me
Everything is waves and stars
The universe is resting in my arms
Nina Gordon
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I brought you something close to me,
Left for something you see though your here.
You haunt my dreams
There's nothing to do but believe,
Just Believe.
Just Breathe.
Another day, just believe,
I'm used to it by now.
Another day, just believe.
Just breathe.
Just believe.
Just breathe.
Lying in my bed,
Another day, staring at the ceiling.
Just breathe.
Another day.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
I'm used to it by now.
I'm used to it by now.
Just breathe.
Just believe.
Another day (I do believe).
Another day (so hard to breathe)
Another day (not so hard to believe)
Another day.
Another day.
Left for something you see though your here.
You haunt my dreams
There's nothing to do but believe,
Just Believe.
Just Breathe.
Another day, just believe,
I'm used to it by now.
Another day, just believe.
Just breathe.
Just believe.
Just breathe.
Lying in my bed,
Another day, staring at the ceiling.
Just breathe.
Another day.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
I'm used to it by now.
I'm used to it by now.
Just breathe.
Just believe.
Another day (I do believe).
Another day (so hard to breathe)
Another day (not so hard to believe)
Another day.
Another day.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
When I’m dreaming I’m guided to another world
Time and time again
At sunrise I fight to stay asleep
Cause I don’t want to leave the comfort of this place
Cause there’s a hunger, longing to escape
From the life I live when I’m awake
So lets go there
Lets make our escape
Come on; lets go there
Lets ask can we stay? Can you take me higher?
To the place where blind men see
Can you take me higher?
To the place with golden streets
Although I would like our world to change
It helps me to appreciate
Those nights and those dreams
But my friend I would sacrifice all those nights
If I could make the earth and my dreams the same
The only difference is
To let love replace all our hate
So lets go there
Lets make our escape
Come on
Lets go there lets ask can we stay
Time and time again
At sunrise I fight to stay asleep
Cause I don’t want to leave the comfort of this place
Cause there’s a hunger, longing to escape
From the life I live when I’m awake
So lets go there
Lets make our escape
Come on; lets go there
Lets ask can we stay? Can you take me higher?
To the place where blind men see
Can you take me higher?
To the place with golden streets
Although I would like our world to change
It helps me to appreciate
Those nights and those dreams
But my friend I would sacrifice all those nights
If I could make the earth and my dreams the same
The only difference is
To let love replace all our hate
So lets go there
Lets make our escape
Come on
Lets go there lets ask can we stay
Friday, June 16, 2006
Seven Years
Spinning, laughing, dancing to
her favorite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
Is all alone
Eyes wide open
Always hoping for the sun
And she'll sing her song to anyone
that comes along
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound
Crooked little smile on her face
Tells a tale of grace
That's all her own
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound
Spinning, laughing, dancing to her favorite song
She’s a little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone
A little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone
Norah Jones
her favorite song
A little girl with nothing wrong
Is all alone
Eyes wide open
Always hoping for the sun
And she'll sing her song to anyone
that comes along
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound
Crooked little smile on her face
Tells a tale of grace
That's all her own
Fragile as a leaf in autumn
Just fallin' to the ground
Without a sound
Spinning, laughing, dancing to her favorite song
She’s a little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone
A little girl with nothing wrong
And she's all alone
Norah Jones
Thursday, June 15, 2006
been a long road to follow
been there and gone tomorrow
without saying goodbye to yesterday
are the memories I hold still valid?
or have the tears deluded them?
maybe this time tomorrow
the rain will cease to follow
and the mist will fade into one more today
something somewhere out there keeps calling
am I going home?
will I hear someone singing solace to the silent moon?
zero gravity what's it like?
am I alone?
is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet
still the road keeps on telling me to go on
something is pulling me
I feel the gravity of it all
Gravity from Wolf's Rain, Youko Kanno
been there and gone tomorrow
without saying goodbye to yesterday
are the memories I hold still valid?
or have the tears deluded them?
maybe this time tomorrow
the rain will cease to follow
and the mist will fade into one more today
something somewhere out there keeps calling
am I going home?
will I hear someone singing solace to the silent moon?
zero gravity what's it like?
am I alone?
is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet
still the road keeps on telling me to go on
something is pulling me
I feel the gravity of it all
Gravity from Wolf's Rain, Youko Kanno
Friday, May 12, 2006
Some time on my hands
I just wanted to revive my blog from its sleep. I finished the semister and passed all my classes. I am taking a well needed vacation from school...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Mundane existence
I hate Law! It is so unbelievably boring! I am sorry but I can't get passed a paragraph of the chapter I have to read by tomorrow. Agh! And the teacher just gets on my nerves. I feel totally intimidated by the class. I'll just have to take it day by day.
Recently, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I have not called people back, the longer I wait the more awkward it becomes. I just don't care that much about the people...
Recently, I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I have not called people back, the longer I wait the more awkward it becomes. I just don't care that much about the people...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
First day blues
Today was my first day of class for this semester. I am officially an Accounting major. All the class I’m taking are about business literally right next door to each other. I’m taking 18 credits and I had four class today and tomorrow I’ll have two more. I am terrified of one of my classes: Principles of Marketing. Through out the semester we have one huge assignment, creating a marketing plan for a business of our choice. I have to work in a group through out the semester. I don’t know if I am going to be able to do that… I have no marketing background what’s so ever! And I hate working with in a group. I don’t even know that many people to feel comfortable enough to put a group of five people together. I don’t know if I am just afraid of a challenge or if I am reasonably concerned with my abilities to do well in that class. I’m going to have take the class eventually but I’m not sure if right now is the right time. I have a week to decide whether to drop the class or not.
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